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Rent and sale of comfortable accommodation in Kyiv

Ideal housing

Darnitskiy district 1 com. St. Yalta 5-B, Darnitskiy railway station, market, 2

Listing ID:1328
Type:Rent out a property
Property type:apartment
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast, Kyiv, st. Yalta, 5B
Price:$ 12 per day  21 $ 

Дарницкий р-н 1 ком. Ул. Ялтинская 5-Б, Дарницкий ж-д вокзал, рынок,  2-х спальная кровать +2+1 сп. места, бытовая техника, ТВ, интернет, все удобства, отчетные документы, посуточно 650 грн./сут, почасово 350 грн./три часа  067-994-57-96, 063-193-57-60, 044-331-98-05. 

Number of bedrooms:1
Floor:2 floor of 15 total
What is near?:Railway Darnitsa where you can go to Borispol Airport or arrive from it, a bazaar, convenient transportation
Owner phone:Phone number
Viber:+38(063) 193-5760
The periods of bookings
Periods of free / reserved day
- Reserved
- Free
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General information
  • Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast, Kyiv
    • Apartment, 1 bedroom
  • Rent out a property$ 12  21 $ 
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