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For a long time Kiev was considered the greenest city in Europe. It was founded in the ninth century, as the urban legend of three brothers and their sister says. Throughout its history, the city has often been subjected to raids and numerous destruction, but nevertheless, it exists and flourishes.
The capital of Ukraine is famous for its industrial enterprises, various research institutions and the most famous and prestigious institutions and universities. Kiev is a city of history, so you will find a lot of attractions in it.

On the Transcarpathian river Lyuta, which is not far from the village of Chernogolova, Velikobereznyansky district, tourists found a cozy backwater with turquoise water.

1. Vladimirskaya Gorka
A beautiful hilly park with beautiful panoramas of the Dnieper, the left bank, Podil and Obolon. It houses the famous Kiev monument to Vladimir. Nearby are: funicular, St. Andrew's Descent, St. Michael's Cathedral, European Square.
Address: st. Three Saints